Thesis Preparation Course

Thesis Preparation Course

Course description

During the course, students follow a guided approach towards writing a thesis proposal. Through their identified topics, students define the research gap and research questions concerning their research, and learn how to motivate the work and explain how methods help in achieving the research objective. Students become more competent in the design and planning of research projects by learning how to design research flow diagrams, Gantt charts, and breakdown the work in smaller manageable tasks with clear objectives. Students also learn how to provide insightful peer-review to fellow researchers, and as a result become more critical of their own work and writing.

The final outcome of the participation in this course is a research proposal that serves as a tool to guide the student through their Thesis Research Project.

Course objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Write a scientific research proposal
  • Elaborate problem statements and motivate their research
  • Perform a literature review to identify core concepts and a research gap
  • Formulate effective and clear research questions, hypotheses, aims and objectives
  • Articulate methods and data requirements coherent with the research questions
  • Draw research diagrams and Gantt charts
  • Create a time-bound research plan
  • Provide peer-reviews

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