
Data implementation matters

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Jan 1, 2023

The future of artificial intelligence in the context of industrial ecology

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Jan 1, 2022

Environmental Pressures and Value Added Related to Imports and Exports of the Dutch Agricultural Sector

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Jan 1, 2022

Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input--output: A web application

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Jan 1, 2021

Learning from circular economy relevant modelling approaches

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Jan 1, 2021

The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011 (vol 151, 104452, 2019)

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Jan 1, 2020

Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output tables: Methods, software and case study

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Jan 1, 2020

Efficient computation of environmentally extended input--output scenario and circular economy modeling

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Jan 1, 2020

The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011

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Jan 1, 2019

Assessing circularity interventions: a review of EEIOA-based studies

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Jan 1, 2018