
A python3 package to create and analyze Circular Economy scenarios.
What is pycirk
Pycirck is a python package to model Circular Economy policy and technological interventions in multi-regional Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis (mrEEIO). The software allows to define an indefinite number of changes in all matrices of the mrEEIO system and an indefinite number of scenario. Furthermore, it allows to easily set multiple parameters for results so that users can investigate different dimensions of the economic system.
How to use Pycirk
You can install the stable version for python 3 through pip install pycirk
Or you can install development version as well as contribute to the project by visiting
Master students
We have plenty of opportunities for field work and computer science applications in Industrial Ecology. If you are interested in doing an internship or conducting your MSc thesis in this area feel free to reach out.
I am always happy to discuss new opportunities, please feel free to reach out to discuss potential collaborations